31-Days of Kindness: Day 19

Kindness Challenge
“Hello, sun in my face. Hello you who made the morning and spread it over the
  fields…Watch, now, how I start the day in happiness, in kindness.” ~ Mary Oliver

Write a positive review (or many) for a product or service you think is great. If you can’t think of any, go through your calendar and have a look at the appointments you’ve had this month to trigger ideas about standout interactions you’ve had recently.

31-Days of Kindness: Day 18

Kindness challenge
Accept everything about yourself – I mean everything. You are you and that is
the beginning and the end – no apologies, no regrets.” – Clark Moustakas

The inner-looking available within a yoga and meditation practice is a step toward self-acceptance; a way to create room for self-kindness and eventually self-love. Isn’t that the true super-power in knowing how to accept outer differences, to act kindly and to deeply love others and the world?

Here is today’s home practice.

31-Days of Kindness: Day 17

31-Days of Kindness
Everywhere you go, leave a glitter trail of kindness behind you. ~ Unknown

Tonight enjoy a seasonal light show near you. If you live in the Guelph area, Sparkles in the Park is open. Head to a drive-through first for a hot chocolate and consider paying for the person behind you. Then….think about having a look at the best and the brightest lights around town. Again, if you live in Guelph check out this map that has marked all the houses that aren’t to be missed this year 🙂

31-Days of Kindness: Day 13

31-Days of Kindness
“When they’ve finished reading, Olivia’s mother gives her a kiss and says,
‘You know, you really wear me out. But I love you anyway.’

And Olivia gives her a kiss back and says,
‘I love you anyway too.’” 

~ Ian Falconer, Olivia

Today’s Act of Kindness: Respond to every perceived shortcoming or irritation today with kindness and an ‘I love you anyway too,’ attitude. When you feel your body react to a trigger, respond mindfully instead and turn toward the person or situation with gentleness and peace. Try this, one irritation at a time.

Check out this song… a new favourite (thanks, Susan ♥).

31-Days of Kindness: Day 11

31-Day Kindness Challenge
“Do your little bit of good where you are;
it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”
~ Desmond Tutu

Today’s Act of Kindness: Speak or leave a message for someone’s supervisor about their good work, place coins in an expired meter, or give out three sincere compliments.

If the opportunity doesn’t arise to sing someone’s praises to their supervisor in the moment, use the notes function on your phone to remind you of someone’s name so you can follow up by placing a call or sending an email. Think about all the interactions you are likely to have today and be on the lookout for ways you can support the strengths and beauty of another person in a way that may impact their day-to-day success at their workplace.