Meet Katherine

Hi name is Katherine. Welcome to this blog. I’m happy you’re here.

I currently make a living as a writer (check out my writing website here) and as a yoga and meditation instructor.

The initial thought for this site was to use it to share kindness practices and then I started thinking about additional ways to cultivate a helpful mind…in saying this I mean, a mind that can be more present from moment to moment, a mind that is capable of supporting a life of joy. I don’t believe there is a bigger game changer. Not a single other thing that matters more because without knowing how to be present you miss it all…time with people you love, moments that hold magic, you miss all the best parts of being alive.

You can do things like declutter your house, implement time management and productivity tools, eat organic, strive to have the perfect job/family/home/body, the list can go on and on and on. A regular meditation or mindfulness practice is different. It’s foundational and can make all those things you strive for settle into place with more perspective and less effort. It isn’t an overnight cure for all that ails you but it is a gradual unfolding. It is a practice of ‘being’ that is a kind of miracle. It is worth it. 

Now a word of caution or my official disclaimer: If you are looking toward me as a guru-type, healer, or all around general fixer-upper…you should definitely look elsewhere 😉

I’m a seeker who is on the path too. I am flawed. I won’t have all the answers (and would suggest to be openly cautious of those who claim to). I simply want to help you if you have a genuine calling in your heart to be more present. 

Mindfulness practices like yoga, spending time in nature, creative development and intentional kindness and gratitude might lead you to a structured meditation practice. But maybe it won’t. That’s simply how it was for me. Meditation wasn’t always on my radar. All the ways ‘in’ listed above are absolutely worth your time. Spending time in meditation is absolutely worth your time. All of it will help to bring you back to who you have always been. Being present for your life as it happens means you are living your life. What is more extraordinary and more worthwhile than that? Cultivate your helpful mind and watch your life bloom.