Yay! New meditations to try :)

Hello! Happy loooooong weekend. I have just uploaded two new meditation audio files. One is a standing meditation and the other is a simple seated breath awareness meditation. Try them both and let me know what you think.

Here’s Something Else for You to Try

Work with a positive thought pattern during your yoga practice. I have done this with students in some of my classes before.

Allow your attention to rest on your breath and experience how your breath fills out the shape of your body as you hold a yoga posture. Repeat the same positive thought between postures or between a short flow series. Make ‘space’ in your body with your breath to allow the thought in…let go of gripping and tension in your body so there is nothing to block the creation of space.

The thought could be anything that resonates and could be as simple as a single word like, “peace”, or “enough” or “calm” or “safe”.

I have used all of the above and many more at random by pulling word cards out of an envelope. Sometimes a word will find you at exactly the right time. You will know it is ‘your word’ because it feels charged in some way; you will want to hold it close or push it away.

The last two weeks I have been exploring a particular phrase during yoga:
‘I let go of all that is unlike love. There is time and space for everything I want to do.’

This phrase has been so perfect for me right now. I am incredibly appreciative of having this extra time for family, projects, practices and spring cleaning. I have also been aware of negative internal dialogue for not checking off everything on my pre-Covid19 ‘if-only-I-had-time’ wish list. Do you have something similar going on? If so, try to integrate this phrase into your yoga practice and your day.

Much love this weekend and coming week,

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A writer, meditator and yoga instructor committed to bringing more light into the world through mindfulness practices.

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