
Recently I received a beautiful call from someone from my past. …one of the funniest people I know, actually. We have a friendship that spans decades and although we make sure to reconnect a few times each year and have shared many personal stories (the good and not so good), our friendship mostly resides in seeing the humour in life together. It is really great to have a friend like this.

A couple of days ago though this same funny friend sincerely owned behaviours from the past (which was very brave and definitely would have been a difficult thing to do without joking about it all) and then as if that wasn’t enough, shared that I have been an important person along the way.

I don’t even have words actually to describe how this breaks me open. And it makes me truly consider in my own life ways I can practice vulnerability. I want to take more risks that matter whenever the opportunity presents itself…with my family, friends and all those I come into contact with each day. I want to practice being the most authentic version of myself and to do that requires the kind of vulnerability my friend has so lovingly role modelled for me. It makes me think of a Brene Brown book called, ‘The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are.’ If you are not a big fan of her work but haven’t read this book in particular, give it a try. It is a beautiful and practical book that I am going to revisit too.

Soooooo, I am adding, ‘practice vulnerability’ to my habit tracker list this month.

Much love and I hope to see some of you in yoga classes this week 🙂

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A writer, meditator and yoga instructor committed to bringing more light into the world through mindfulness practices.

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