A Buck in the Woods

Buck in the Woods

I wrote a poem this week that I’ll include below about a time I ran right up close to a deer in the woods. He wasn’t startled. He just stood. Watched. It made time instantly less elastic; moments just piled on top of each other and I was aware of each. I was in real time; inside the power of presence. Everything else dropped away.

Imagine living your life like that? Is it even possible to grasp that kind of fullness? Of course there are the practical matters we must attend to that make the past and present useful. And yet, what a human frailty it is to allow the past and present to use us much more frequently so that it is the present moment that seems to disappear.

Presence is where magic lives.

How often do you run oblivious through the forest to shake off a demon from the past? How often do you focus on the path ahead completely unaware of what lives all around you? How often do you side-step the magic and look back over your shoulder afraid of what you might lose, or what will ‘never be’ in the future?

The present is truly all we have. Choose it. Live it. As I write this, I want to stop forgetting that simple truth. As you read this, I hope you remember too.

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A writer, meditator and yoga instructor committed to bringing more light into the world through mindfulness practices.

2 thoughts on “A Buck in the Woods”

  1. What a beautiful poem. And what a magical moment for you. I’m sure it will linger in your memory for a long time.

    Thanks for sharing your experience and poem. You are an extraordinary writer.

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