
Change-makers and willows

Do you know that unique green of spring? Willows begin spring-green and seeing them never fails to make me pause and ask myself if I can live up to their example.

I imagine other trees do the same this time of year and that after a short while they decide to burst forth too.

‘Let’s do it,’ they say, after watching the Willow so brave and delicate all at once.

After all, they have watched her green wisps reach across a canvas of grey-brown and into weather that begins to nurture and then turn back on itself. She sways gently and is tossed wildly. She is rooted strength and flexibility, trusting that spring will unfold and so will she.

Sometimes the change-makers are who you least expect.

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A writer, meditator and yoga instructor committed to bringing more light into the world through mindfulness practices.

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