Ready to take back your time?

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Hello! I’m so happy to share that I am joining forces with Greg Kennedy, Executive Director of the Ignatius Jesuit Centre, to offer you something truly special. Imagine a retreat designed just for you, where you can escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and rediscover what truly matters. We’ve planned this three day retreat with so much care to ensure that you’ll take away the tools you need to engage with technology more mindfully. Enjoy affordable rates, delicious vegetarian meals and 600 acres of beautiful countryside at Loyola House.

If you’re thinking about organizing a retreat for your team at work in the future, we’d also love to help. Our retreat can be tailored to fit your company’s needs perfectly. Together, we’ll explore ways to boost productivity, foster mindfulness, and strengthen your team’s bond through fun activities and meaningful conversations.

Join us on this journey in April – We can’t wait to welcome you.

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A writer, meditator and yoga instructor committed to bringing more light into the world through mindfulness practices.

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