Loving-Kindness Meditation

I have just posted a new audio file. This meditation has been one that I have been doing for many years. It is beautiful. If it resonates with you, practice with the recording until it is all through you so that modifying it comes naturally without the recording. The recorded version begins with cultivating loving-kindness for yourself, followed by a loved one, then a person you find difficult in your life and finally, the world. It runs for just under 20 minutes.

In my own morning meditation practice this is the last one I do – my grand finale – and it can last far longer than 20 minutes if you have the time.

When I am practising, I allow anyone who ‘wants in’ to be part of it. I begin with myself and move onto my loved ones who may appear for me individually or sometimes grouped. I accept however they come. Sometimes someone very random will appear and I accept them too.

I always move onto a person I experience as difficult or a group that brings up negativity in me so I can practice to cultivate loving-kindness even when I want to contract and reject the difficulty. (Your difficult person could also be a person you love, by the way.) I don’t know of a better more practical practice than this to live purposefully in love and peace. Even political situations or stories of violence can be part of the meditation if that feels accessible or necessary for personal growth. The important thing is not to be caught up in the story. Stay connected to the practice. You allow the person or group to appear and you do your best to cultivate the feelings generated by the repeated words used in the practice. The meditation provides the opportunity to be with the feeling of contraction or gripping and explore openness and compassion.

If this audio file feels too long, start with cultivating loving-kindness for just yourself and then pause the recording at that point. After practising this way for a while, listen to the recording up to and including a loved one and so on until you have worked your way up to the full 20 minutes.

Let me know what you think in the comments or email me (your comments come to my email anyway).

Much love to each of you. Enjoy the sunny and warm weather tomorrow!

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A writer, meditator and yoga instructor committed to bringing more light into the world through mindfulness practices.

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