Letting Go

Do you know those days when grief or an ending has a grip on you in a way that makes you pay exquisite attention?

My grandmother died this week and her funeral was this morning. Everywhere I looked today there were opportunities to surrender. There are opportunities of course everyday if we make the choice to truly live the moments we are given.

I wrote a poem for my Grandma that I read as part of her eulogy. Maybe sharing it again here is another way to let her go; to let her soar.

Letting Go

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A writer, meditator and yoga instructor committed to bringing more light into the world through mindfulness practices.

4 thoughts on “Letting Go”

  1. Wow, beautiful poem, Katherine. I’m sure your grandmother is soaring high now. My thoughts and prayers are with you 💛

    1. Thank you, Nicole. I think she is free too. I imagine she’s relieved to shed the body and mind that was faltering. It didn’t match who was inside. ❤️

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