Last day of 2019

What will you do to ring in the new year?

Whether it is a quiet night in or a night that will reach into tomorrow, I hope over the last month you experienced the magic of kindness and presence enough to carry this practice into your night and into the rest of the year.

Opportunities to be kind are everywhere. Let’s intentionally bring more kindness into the world in 2020.

Thank you for all the feedback over the last month in person and through email. It has made my heart very happy. I have also really enjoyed the process as a participant. Intentional acts of kindness simply spread joy. One of my favourite quotes this month was on Day 23:

“Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least costly, and most underrated agent of human change.” ~Bob Kerry

I couldn’t agree more.

So much love to you and have a very Happy New Year!

See you on the mat, Katherine 🙂

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A writer, meditator and yoga instructor committed to bringing more light into the world through mindfulness practices.

2 thoughts on “Last day of 2019”

  1. Katherine,
    I just wanted to say a big thankful for the month of kindness! It had great impact on both my own wellness and joy…and I could see how these small actions lifted my community as well!
    Thank you for igniting this!

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