“In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer…”

A yoga student gave me a card on Thursday with this quote he sourced by Albert Camus. It is incredibly beautiful and so perfect to describe what presence gifts us each time we choose to reside in the moment. Magic is right there when we are willing to experience it. The miracle of being alive is in our breath and our heart beat, in the natural world, inside every relationship…with ourselves and others and the world.

I wanted to use this post today to share:

  1. this quote (thank you, Jeremy)
  2. a kindness experience this week
  3. a link to a broader story that made me smile.

I enjoyed Tuesday’s kindness invitation (leave random notes of kindness) so much that it flowed into Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I loooooove leaving surprise notes as some yoga students might guess and having an extra reason to do so was a lot of fun. I left notes for friends, in a few library books and notes in lunches. I also bought some post-it notes and my daughter and I left them randomly in surprise places around our house. The best one I found from her was this one:

So much love to each of you this weekend. I hope yesterday’s quote was an inspiration (“Be kind to unkind people. They need it the most”). It sometimes isn’t easy but it is such an opportunity for presence if you can respond instead of react to negativity.

Today, please take a moment to write a positive review about a product or service you appreciate. I am going to do that now.

Enjoy this youtube link that I came across about a random act of kindness.

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A writer, meditator and yoga instructor committed to bringing more light into the world through mindfulness practices.

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