Full Moon Practice

Tonight I am leading a meditation and sound bath experience with the very talented, Leah Glatz. It is the last full moon of the year (December 8th) which means we have moved through a full month cycle of experiences WITHIN a full year of experiences. Some of those will continue to unfold for you and others will only add to your mental clutter and physical fatigue. It is to your benefit to let go of whatever it is you no longer need. The full moon represents the completion of a cycle every month and it is a nice reminder to intentionally let go at that time.

Decide to drop your emotional dramas and the stories you tell yourself. If this still seems too vague…

Things to release: Limiting beliefs and habits, guilt, regrets, overwhelm, fears, worry, anxiety, judgements, resentments, grudges, gossip, physical clutter, controlling behaviours and masks you hide behind.

If you were not able to attend the session tonight (space filled up quickly) or you would simply like to participate in a letting go ritual of your own, here are some ideas:

  1. Set the mood with this playlist *
  2. Light a candle
  3. Take a few full, slow breathes with the deliberate intention to let go of physical tension on every exhale
  4. Create a mental or written list of things you would like/need to let go of
  5. Symbolically release the list. You might use your imagination and cut a cord connecting you to whatever you wish to let go of or write a physical list on a piece of paper and then rip it in tiny pieces or burn it.

Let me know if you do this. I’d love to hear about it 🙂

* If you don’t have Spotify, check out these songs by Lisbeth Scott off her album, Om Sweet Om: Abundance, Release, Peace, Om Mani

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A writer, meditator and yoga instructor committed to bringing more light into the world through mindfulness practices.

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