Driving around in your pyjamas

So today’s act of kindness was so terribly written it was a teensy bit cringeworthy when I saw it this morning. Here it is:

Let someone move ahead of you in line and while you are driving, buy coffee or tea for the person behind you in line. 

To that I say, “Yikes.” Here is a fresh version of the same idea: 

Let someone move ahead of you in line, let someone in while you are driving, or buy a coffee or tea for a random stranger who just happens to be behind you in line. 

Better? I think so.

Here is my quick story. My husband, daughter and I go to see Sparkles in the Park each year. We started doing this when my daughter was really small and I always wanted to have her ready for bed before we went so that she was bathed and ready for sleep as soon as we returned home. This meant she was wearing her pyjamas in the car and she thought it was funny if we wore pyjamas too. Sooooo, we all wore pyjamas (and still do) and to make it more fun we started to go through the drive-thru at Tim Hortons to get a hot chocolate and we pay for the order of the person behind us. This is still one of my favourite things to do leading up to Christmas. It feels so good knowing the person will be surprised. It makes the lights at Sparkles in the Park shine brighter somehow. My daughter is beyond excited that we are surprising someone we don’t know. It is pure joy. All of it.

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A writer, meditator and yoga instructor committed to bringing more light into the world through mindfulness practices.

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