Connect to your heart space

Happy sunshiny day šŸ™‚

I have a new 6-minute video for you to try. It is embedded at the end of this post. If you don’t feel like reading to the end then just jump there (that’s right, permission granted to scroll away). For context, at least read the teensy paragraph about the heart chakra just before you get to the video.

Do you believe that wherever you are and whenever you are reading this, your day holds the potential for happiness? Do you think that regardless of the weather, your day can feel like it is full of sunshine?

There is certainly a case to be made about how to stack the odds in your favour of happiness regardless of what you believe. I recently completed a course about the brain and one of my favourite modules was about happiness and the brain. Yogi-friendly practices are central to increasing your experience of happiness. Practice gratitude, acts of kindness, meaningful social connections, stress management, meditation, regular exercise, and focusing on the present moment. There is considerable (and impressive) research worth investigating if this topic interests you. Check out the ted talks with Shawn Achor for a sample of what science has to say in the area of current happiness research or listen to the podcast the Science of Happiness produced by the Greater Good Center at UC Berkeley.

Working with the chakra system, or energy centres in your body, is an ancient system geared toward addressing circumstances that appear to be your roadblocks to happiness and fulfillment in day-to-day living. It may sound kind of ‘out there’ but think of the seven main centres (that run from the base of your spine to the crown) as your spiritual nervous system. Each chakra governs particular physical areas in your body, as well as, the excesses and deficiencies in your nature that determine how you respond to life’s challenges.

The best way to ‘get it’ is to explore. Use music to feel your way through them. First you need to understand the physical location of the chakra and the basic issue associated with each. Listen to a song that speaks to that issue and pay attention to how it feels in that area of your body. (I’ve provided a chakra chart below). Connect in a tangible way to what age-old yogic wisdom professes to be true to the human experience through this system. Or simply start by using the practice at the end of this post that is focused on the heart chakra.

A note about the heart chakra: Think about the anatomical space at the upper centre chest through your body to the back between your shoulder blades. This is the seat of emotional consciousness. Imagine you can illuminate and open to the free flowing energy of this space with every breath. What does it feel like in the area of this chakra when you give and receive love, feel peace, joy and laughter? How does it feel to be shutdown or closed in this space when you refuse love and experience jealousy, resentment, and hostility? Cultivate openness with the practice below. (Why not pair this new practice with the loving-kindness audio meditation posted with the other media files a couple of weeks ago?) Have fun and share your thoughts with me, I love hearing from you.

Chakra Diagram
I found this diagram on this site. There is some cool info if you want to read more.
Connect to your heart space through physical awareness and intention.

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A writer, meditator and yoga instructor committed to bringing more light into the world through mindfulness practices.

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