Check. Un-Check. Check.

Okay, here is one of the daily habits I am working on…

Have fun outside this winter.

I love the outdoors. I do. I swear. Something just happens mid-winter (especially when it is really cold) that makes me want to cocoon inside with a cup of tea and a good book. Getting out in it though makes winter fun. I am happier. I am also more likely to notice how beautiful winter is and far less likely to wish away the entire season.

I officially kicked off the cultivation of this new healthy habit on Friday, January 31st. After teaching yoga on Thursday I headed to Ottawa for Winterlude with my husband and daughter. Once we arrived, there was so much going on that it was impossible not to enjoy being part of it all. We went tubing and skating and saw lots of snow sculptures and ice sculptures and we listened to some bands after dinner. I loooooooved it. A big check mark on my Habit Tracker on my first day. Yay!

A fresh perspective on enjoying winter 🙂

On Saturday we planned to go cross-country skiing with another family for the day (with a packed lunch even to eat along the way) but there were some hiccups with that plan so we ended up having a long lunch with them indoors instead…so sadly, I didn’t even earn a teensy check mark that day. After lunch we headed back from Ottawa and we were in the car for hours.

Today back at home the universe conspired in my favour though and provided some amazingly gorgeous fresh snow…wooohooo.  The whole afternoon was just spent cross-country skiing locally. I earned my second check mark.

Tell me how you are doing with one of your new healthy habits. I would love to hear about it one day this week at yoga or here on the blog.

Happy, happy winter day,


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A writer, meditator and yoga instructor committed to bringing more light into the world through mindfulness practices.

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