Assessing What Matters

I have always liked the poem below by E.E. Cummings. Read it now and let it reach into you as a reminder to consider what really matters. When we clear away the stories we tell ourselves and let the noise and clutter fall away, we are left with who we really are…these incredible vessels for love. Enjoy.

Let it go
e.e. cummings

let it go – the
smashed word broken
open vow or
the oath cracked length
wise – let it go it
was sworn to

let them go – the
truthful liars and
the false fair friends
and the boths and
neithers – you must let them go they
were born
to go

let all go – the
big small middling
tall bigger really
the biggest and all
things – let all go

so comes love

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A writer, meditator and yoga instructor committed to bringing more light into the world through mindfulness practices.

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