31-Days of Kindness: Day 7

31-Days of Kindness: Day 7
“Be nice. (The world is a small town,) ~ Austin Kleon

Todays Act of Kindness: Support a local business and purchase a small gift, make one, or write a thoughtful note and then hide it in a place you know it will be found. Notice how you feel to randomly surprise someone.

Rocking Kindness

During the first lockdown I joined an online writing group. Around the same time my daughter and I made inspiration stones and placed them along trails we often hike. It was our way of reaching out to people we didn’t know. It was something we had done prior to the pandemic but during the very first lockdown it somehow felt more important. This is how I felt about the writing group too. I have been part of lots of writing groups but this one felt significant.

Here’s the cool thing…

The woman* leading the writing group also wanted to reach out to others through an online version of her writing workshops. She could feel the need to collectively capture and share this unique time and experience. She sent out an email very soon after my daughter and I had put out the stones with a picture of one my daughter had painted. She explained that the rock’s message made her feel that it was speaking directly to her, that she felt cared for and less alone during a time of uncertainty. I wish I’d kept the exact email message from her because I’d love to include it here.

Little things make a difference.

Our small gesture made another person’s heart a little lighter and her sharing that experience with a group made ours set sail that day.

My sincerest hope is that today you will take the time to surprise someone (anyone) and provide for yourself the opportunity to enjoy the process.

*If you know the beautiful human I am speaking about, shhhhhh about the rock. I think it might have been more special that ‘someone out there’ placed it on her path 😉

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A writer, meditator and yoga instructor committed to bringing more light into the world through mindfulness practices.

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