31-Day Kindness Challenge: Day 3

Kindness Challenge

“Once you begin to acknowledge random acts of kindness
– both the ones you have received and the ones you have given –
you can no longer believe that what you do does not matter.” 
~ Dawna Markova

Today’s act of kindness: Complete a task for someone who would be relieved to have a break. Do it regardless if the task appeals to you or if you think of it as ‘someone else’s job’, do it because it is kind to offer a reprieve for another person.

What will you do?

In an article published by Greater Good Magazine: Science-Based Insights for a Meaningful Life, a new analysis of decades of research asked this question amongst others: When we witness good, how does it affect us?

One of the conclusions shared was this:

“…people resonate with the underlying reason for doing good and become motivated themselves to spread the goodness. This suggests people are prosocial by nature, waiting for inspiration to act.”

So let’s share our acts of kindness but not to receive accolades or to appear good. The feelings associated with acting kindly toward yourself and others are their own reward. Share your experiences during this challenge with the purposeful intention of inspiring others. Let’s create a ripple effect of kindness all month long.

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A writer, meditator and yoga instructor committed to bringing more light into the world through mindfulness practices.

2 thoughts on “31-Day Kindness Challenge: Day 3”

  1. There is one act of kindness I try to do every day. When I drive, I try to give one car the right of way into traffic whenever possible.

    1. I love that 🙂 It always makes me feel good when someone lets me in and waves. Or when I see how cooperative people can be when traffic lights are down.

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